Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Below Zero

While January brings harsh frosts, chilly, snow stormy, winter winds, and below zero weather, it also brings our annual Snow Camp with our church youth. It was an incredible weekend! Not only was there snow, good food (even for camp food), fun, and wonderful friends, the teaching from God’s Word on evangelism was convicting and instructive. Small group time with the students was vibrant and productive—they asked some great questions and seem to be thinking deeply about Scripture’s teachings on witnessing. We returned home exhausted after a late night out (or should I say early morning) out with the senior class who will soon be graduating. We heard how the Lord is working in their lives and what he has been teaching them over the past year—definitely a highlight! We are extremely excited and encouraged at what the Lord is doing in the youth group at Bethany Baptist.

We are constantly in awe of the Lord’s faithfulness. He has sustained us though sickness, tiredness, continual adjustments to a new home and new weather, and scheduling puzzles (we are still working with one car). We know God works through His people and pray we will be willing to sacrifice to that end. God’s timing and call is perfect, and we look forward to seeing how He will orchestrate the events of our life here in Peoria for His glory. I have been reading through the Old Testament and it never gets old to see God’s hand unfold throughout history—the grace and faithfulness He showed to David by fulfilling His promise of the throne gives me hope for His fulfilled promise of heaven!

Baby tour 2014 is officially a go! We will be visiting California at the end of March to meet the many babies that have been born in our absence and look forward to loving on these little ones and catching up with dear friends. It will be a quick visit and Josh will be participating in his buddy Steve’s wedding. While time will be tight, our hope is to see as many of our friends and family as possible.

Just for Fun:
Here are the top ten ways I spend my time when the cold weather is too much for me to handle (in no particular order):

1. This American Life (radio show)

2. Al Mohler, The Briefing

3. Word with Friends

4. Spirit Empowered Preaching (Book by Azurdia)

5. Alias


7. Art Azurdia (sermons)

8. 24

9. Juicing for a meal substitute (green goodness)

10. Keeping up with all of your baby pics on Facebook

Some fun pics/highlihghts from Snow Camp 2014:



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